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Showing posts with the label laghubitta careerShow all
Vacancy from Super Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited for various positions
Vacancy from NMB Laghubitta for Managerial and Officer Level
Vacancy from Laxmi Laghubitta for Junior Assistant
Vacancy from Kisan Laghubitta for Junior Assistant to Assistant Director | Freshers can Apply
Vacancy from Manushi Laghubitta for Junior officer, Senior Assistant and Junior Assistant
Vacancy from Gurans Laghubitta for various positions | Freshers can Apply
Vacancy from RSDC Laghubitta for Officer and Assistant
Vacancy from Samudayik Laghubitta for various positions
Vacancy from NMB Laghubitta for Department Head and Junior Assistant Trainee
Vacancy from Wean Nepal Laghubitta for Supervisor, Senior Assistant and Junior Assistant
Vacancy from NMB Laghubitta for Supervisor, BM and Trainee
Vacancy form Infinity Laghubitta for MT and TA
Vacancy from Adhikhola Laghubitta
Vacancy form Aviyan Laghubitta for Deputy Manager and Assistant Manager
Vacancy from Samata Gharelu Laghubitta | Freshers can APPLY