Rastriya Beema Company Limited Vacancy 2081
Rastriya Beema Company Limited, Ramshahpath, Kathmandu has announce vacancy for various positions. Candidates who meet the prescribed qualifications should apply through the company's online application system (www.rbcl.gov.np/career).
1. Position and Minimum educational qualification and experience required:
i. Administration, Legal Officer, 7th Level
Passed Master's Degree in Law from a recognized educational institution.
ii. Administration, Assistant Administrator, 6th Level
At least Master's degree or Chartered Accountancy or equivalent in any one of management, insurance, economics, science, agriculture and animal science, statistics, law or information technology from a recognized educational institution.
iii. Administration, Assistant "A", 5th Level
from a recognized educational institution in any one of Management, Economics, Science, Agriculture and Animal Science, Statistics, Law, Information Technology or Insurance Graduated.
iv. Administration, Assistant "B", 4th Level
Passed 10+2 or equivalent with accounting or information technology as the main subject from a recognized educational institution.
v. Agricultural Technical "B", 4th Level
S.L.C./S.E.E. from a recognized educational institution. Passed minimum 1 year JTA (Agriculture Science) training or TSLC with agriculture subject. Passed and worked in the field of insurance.
2. Type of Examination:
Written, Practical and Interview as prescribed in the syllabus (The medium of written examination will be as prescribed in the syllabus of the respective post, language and type.)
3. Date of Written Test and Examination Centre:
The date and center of the written examination will be as specified by the Public Service Commission.
4. Application Fee:
For level-6 and 7 posts Rs. 800/- (eight hundred), for level 5 and 4 posts Rs. 500/- (five hundred). In the case of candidates applying in the additional advertisement towards the inclusive group under the open category, an additional Rs.300/- (three hundred) for each group for level-6 or above posts and an additional Rs.300/- (three hundred) for each group for level 4 and 5 posts. 200/- (two hundred).
5. Last date for submission of application:
2081/02/10 until 2081/02/10 and double payment till 2081/02/17.
6. Candidate Age Limit:
Completion of 21 years and not exceeding 35 years for officer level, 18 years and not exceeding 35 years for assistant level, but not exceeding 40 years for women and disabled candidates of all levels till the last date of application. The mentioned age limit will not apply to permanent employees working in this company.
for more details: visit https://www.rbcl.gov.np.