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1. How is death perceived in the poem Full Fathom Five Thy Father Lies? Explain.

Answer: Death is meaningfully perceived here in this poem. This poem has presented the meaningfulness of the death of Ferdinand's father Alonso.

His father's dead body is lying 30 feet below somewhere in the sea. The dead body hasn't been decayed and disappeared. It has been transformed into something strange and valuable. His dead body's bones and eyes have been changed into corals and pearls. His father's dead body has brought happiness to all the sea creatures. The presence of a dead body has changed the environment of the sea. Sea nymphs also seem so happy to welcome his body to be a part of the sea. Every hour they play his funeral bell in ding dong sound in his honour to inform him about his death. This poem suggests to us the meaning that after death our body gets changed into different forms and keeps on serving this beautiful planet. The process of serving is non-ultimate.

2. How does Martin Luther King portray the appalling condition of Negro community? (I have a Dream)

Answer: Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Portrays the appalling (Horrifying) condition of Negro community through his own experience. During that time, the condition of Negros in America was so worse. The constitution of America promised various things for the welfare of all the negro communities but those promises weren't fulfilled. Negros were exploited and dominated in every sector in the name of apartheid (skin colour discrimination). They were deprived of freedom, justice as well as happiness. They were treated just as slaves as before. They didn't get any opportunity of education, earning money, enjoying etc as the whites. Black children were not allowed to read in the school where white's children used to read. They were neglected by the whites. Being citizens of America, their fate remained under the dark cloud. They had to spend their miserable life.

3. According to Nissani, what can be some possible ways to save the forests of Third World countries? (Two Long term Problems: Too Many People Too Few Trees)

Answer: The possible ways to save the forests of Third World countries are as follows:

> Different awareness activities should be regulated to save forests.

> Controlling population growth.

> Providing financial support to preserve the forests.

> Necessity of planting trees in deforested areas.

> Wood products should not be used for cooking, instead of that fuel should be used.

> Use of smokeless stoves in every house.

4. Why does Gretel dislike her father, brother and lawyer? (Gretel)

Answer: Gretel seems radical feminist here in this text. She dislikes her father, brother and lawyer for deceiving her. According to Gretel, there was an understanding between them to sell their story to the Grimm brothers. They had signed in a contract paper with an agreement to share fifty-fifty of the profit. But unexpectedly her brother and father deceptively made her signature in a new contract with the help of their lawyer. Due to these deceptive acts of all these three people, Gretel got very less amount. With the help of their lawyer, Hansel changed everything about the story. Gretel found the story published the other day totally in a different order.

Thus, Gretel blames and dislikes all these male characters.

5. What is the main idea of the poem 'Grandmother by Ray Young Bear? (Grandmother)

Answer: This poem has been composed by an American - Indian poet Ray Young Bear. The poet is a member of the Mesquaki tribe. In this poem, the poet has presented the picture of his all-loving and all- inspiring grandmother. He has presented the rustic lifestyle as well as the culture of his tribe with the help of his grandmother's portrait. By remembering his grandmother, he has tried his best to disclose the real existence of the Mesquaki tribe and its people. By presenting all these facts, he wants to show the principle theme of American- Indians search for their own identity. The poet has tried to disclose the lost lifestyle and culture of the Mesquaki tribe.

6. How does Alyohin define love?

Answer: Alyohin defines love through his own experiences of different love affairs. He thinks that when people are in love, they think whether it is honourable or dishonourable, sensible or stupid, and what their love will lead to. For him, this reasoning is the main source of dissatisfaction and irritation. He thinks that love is a great mystery. It cannot be bound by marital status. The explanation of one's love cannot be applicable in another's love case. Whatever is stated or written about love up to now, that isn't the real solution but only a statement of the question that is always unanswered. There is no universal definition of love. Love differs from situation to situation. Love should not be generalized but individualized. According to him to what extent personal happiness counts in love is uncertain, it differs from person to person. Love can be done by heart, not by mind.

7. Sketch the character of Luganovich briefly. (About Love)

Answer: Dmitry Luganovich is an assistant president of the circuit court. His age is over forty. He has two children and a beautiful wife. He is living happily in his family with his wife, mother-in-law and two children. He has a good relation with Alyohin. He has invited Alyohin to his house for dinner. He is a very helpful person who behaves quite friendly with others. He is a very kind-hearted person. He doesn't have any doubts about Alyohin's and Anna's affair.

8. Mention the three things that the old man laments about. Why is he sad about them? 

Answer: The three things that the old man laments about are as follows:

His old age: Here at this age he suffers a lot. His physical condition doesn't favour him. He is so upset at this age. Because of his old age and appearance, nobody wants to talk to him and no one takes care of him.

His youth age: He feels sorry about its loss. He does not only lose his power but also his friends, love and fine talk of love and politics in front of the fire.

Time: He curses time which brings pain in his life. This time transfigures him into old. He becomes very upset to see this old life and wants to spit into the face of time.

He is sad because all these things only bring unpleasant feelings to his life. His old age brings pain, youth age brings a sense of loss in present and time brings all critical situations for him.

9. What are the two long term problems as stated in the essay? How these problems are connected? (Two Long Term Problem)

Answer: This essay is about ecology and change. The writer of this essay has presented the factual statistic of ecological change. The writer of this essay seems too worried about the future of the world. He has even presented the present ecological state of Nepal. In this essay, he has very beautifully related two long term problems.

According to him, the two long term problems are: there are too many people in the world and too few trees. This problem has created a lot of problems in the ecological system. He has presented the connection between these two problems saying that when the population of the world increases, the needs of people also increase.

In such needs, people need more for their shelters as well as foodstuffs. When they get nothing to fulfil their needs, they target the forests for their livelihood.

10. Describe the lifestyle of Karnali people. (Hurried Trip to Avoid a Bad Star)

Answer: The writers have learnt various things about the Karnali region and its people. They have got a chance to know about the lifestyle and culture of Karnali people. According to them, the people of Karnali are innocent, laborious and uneducated. They know very little about the outside world. They live in geographically very difficult part completely depending on their own or animals' strength. They are ignorant about soil erosion and deforestation. They are very superstitious too.

They make a very difficult journey to Nepalgunj to avoid their bad star. They live in harmony with nature. Their lands don't produce sufficient food items to support them. Many people do trade for their living. They go to Nepalgunj carrying medicinal herbs, hashish, hand-knitted sweaters, shilajit and blankets. They sell these items in Nepalgunj and earn money for their livelihood.

They are not economically rich. Most of the people go to Nepalgunj for jobs. They do their best trade to avoid their bad star. They are satisfied with their life.

11. Do you agree with what the narrator did? Why? (Travelling Through the Dark)

Answer: Yes, I agree with what the narrator did because his emotional feelings for the fawn were right but when he realized that he couldn't do anything for the little fawn, he pushed the doe into the river. He realized the power of nature and also the inability of humans against nature. He didn't want to go against nature's power. He realized that man cannot do anything against nature's will.

12. What is the central idea of the poem "Travelling Through the Dark?"

Answer: The central idea of this poem is that we must be rational. We must do what is important. We should not violate natural rules and laws for our own sake. Man cannot do anything against nature. Nature is so powerful. Life and death are two real aspects that are also related to nature. We must accept reality.

13. How does the boy describe his uncle and aunt? (A Story)

Answer: According to the boy, his uncle is a big, fat and noisy person. He is so sociable and likes to go on outings. He likes drinking with his friends. He has red hair. He mainly wears a  huge waistcoat which looks so dirty. He eats a lot and drops food particles on his waistcoat. His waistcoat stinks much. He has a small shop and a small wife. He only thinks about his pleasures. He mostly refuses his wife's command. He doesn't take his responsibilities seriously. He likes to spend time with his friends.

The boy's aunt is small like a mouse and quiet like a cat. She is a good housewife. She mostly spends her time cleaning her small house. She does not like her husband's habit of going on an outing and drinking with his friends. She wants love from her husband rather than going outside. Whenever Thomas lifts her on the chair, she hits on his head with a  china dog. She often goes to her mother's house after discussing with her husband.

14. What does the refrain of the boy "Now they are going to see who I'm" mean? ( The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship)

Answer: The refrain of the boy "Now they are going to see who I'm" means a resolution to show all the villagers about the real existence of the ghost ship. The boy was disbelieved and criticized by the villagers. He saw an uncontrolled large ship without light and sound. The ship collided with the rock and sank into the sea. The day, he went to the sea but could not find any sign of the ship. Again, after a year he saw the same ship. He told about it to his mother but his mother thought him as crazy. She died before her son could prove about the ship. Similarly, he saw the same ship the third time and called the villagers to watch it. The villagers beat him because they didn't see the ship. The boy promised to prove his manhood and complete his aim. He saw the same uncontrolled ship on March night. He guided the ship with his lantern to the village and showed it to the villagers. The vision of the ship was only his illusion of imagination but later on, he made it true by his adult passion.

15. What is the main theme of the poem "God's Grandeur?"

Answer: The main theme of this poem is to make all people aware of the divinity of God. People of the present world are money-minded and selfish. They forget about God's Greatness and even about God's creation (nature). They go on destroying beautiful nature for their benefit without caring about God's punishment. God is everywhere and in everything, so we must realize God's strength and never try to violate the rules and laws of God's creation.

16. What was the real dream of Martin Luther King about the future of America? (I have a Dream)

Answer: The real dream of Martin Luther King was about the bright future of America. He wanted to end the concept of apartheid. In many states of America, many black children were treated according to their skin colour. They were not allowed to study in schools where white's children used to study. Black people were not allowed into buses, hotels, restaurants, etc which were used by white people. So Martin Luther wanted freedom for all the black people from the segregation concept. His dream was an equal opportunity for all black people as whites. Even after the end of the slavery system, black people were treated as slaves. So, he wanted freedom from slavery. His dream was a chair of brotherhood between black and white people. His dream was a day of equal opportunity for all the blacks of America. Every black would get a chance to enjoy the rights given by the constitution. They would get a good education, good jobs and make money as whites.

17. How did Pinkham act as a saviour of her sex? Explain. (Women's Business)

Answer: Her sex is related to all of the women of America. Lydia Pinkham had done a lot of activities for the welfare of the women of America. She was regarded as the saviour of females. Her homemade product had benefited most of the women of America. She made her vegetable compound for the women's disease. As a social reformist, she also advised most of the women about their rights and health problems. She even gave more priority to women's business and helped women by encouraging them. She paved the easiest way for all American women especially in the matter of curing various diseases as well as solving their problems.

18. How were the handicapped, black and weak children viewed in the past? (Children Who Waits)

Answer: The handicapped, black and weak children were viewed in a biased manner in the past time. They were really in very bad condition in the orphanages. People didn't have any liking towards such children. They didn't want to adopt such children who were physically unfit, weak or black. Such children were supposed to be damaged goods. The people who wanted to adopt the kids from orphanages only took interest in healthy white kids.

The handicapped, black as well as weak children were not even looked at once by the people. So the condition of such children was so miserable in the past time.

19. What kind of treatment does a woman in Bangladesh receive during her pregnancy and after childhood? (A Child is Born)

Answer: In the case of a Bangladeshi woman, during her pregnancy periods, she goes to her parent's house for the last few months to deliver the baby and about the first three months of the baby's life. She gets love and care from her parents and relatives.

She is looked after by her parents all the time. The whole matter of pregnancy is a kind of celebration. The birth of a child is an occasion of joy for the whole family. The naming ceremony is so well celebrated. Mother and infant get new dresses. There are feasting and singing until late at night. Everyone sings and dances. The mother and child get the blessings from the senior family members. The woman is warmly respected after having a child.

20. What made the narrator confess his crime? (The Tell-Tale Heart)

Answer: The narrator of the story was a patient of nervous disease. He chopped the innocent old man for a minor reason. He wanted to hide his crime. He hid all the pieces of the old man's body under the wooden floor. The policemen came there to inquire. The narrator took them to the spot, where he had hidden the old man's body. While talking with policemen, the narrator heard the sound of a watch coming from beneath. He thought of it as the heartbeat of the old man. The sound grew louder each time. He tried his best to reduce the loudness of the sound. He spoke loudly with policemen but the policemen smiled all the time during their talk. The narrator thought of it as mockery as well as his insult. That particular smile of policemen and the sound of the watch made the narrator confess his crime. Finally, he confessed his crime.

21. Why did the old man punish the boy? (Purgatory)

Answer: Here in this play, we find criminal acts done by the old man. The old man seems so brutal. He killed his father at the age of sixteen. After that crime, he became a peddler. As many years passed by, he happened to reach the same place where he had done the murderous act. He related the story about his past to his son just in front of his burnt house. After that, they involved in the fight. The old man punished the boy because he found out some hints of revolt within him. He thought about his revolt against his father and became so fearful about the chain of violence which would be repeated by his son too. This very concept made him feel fearful and punish the boy.

22. Why do the parents in Hansel and Gretel decide to leave the children in the forest? (Hansel and Gretel)

Answer: The stepmother of Hansel and Gretel was so cruel and unkind woman. She didn't love them and wanted to get rid of them. She felt them as a burden. Once there was a famine in the region, so their father was unable to provide food to them. In that difficult situation, the stepmother made a plan to leave the kids in the dense forest so that she could live easily along with her husband.

23. Describe the Gingerbread House. (The Gingerbread House)

Answer: The Gingerbread House is a house of dreams. The house can be reached walking on the biscuits through the garden of sugared fruits. The house is made of sweets. The door of the house is heart-shaped and red. It is shinning like a ruby. The door is half-opened. The garden is so sticky. The roof of the Gingerbread house is made up of chocolate. The place is sunny and beautiful. The air is fresh. There is a river of honey and lollipops grow like daisies.

24. What was the major problem in the relationship between Doran and Polly? (The Boarding House)

Answer: Both Doran and Polly liked each other very much. They even had a special relationship. There was a rumour about their relationship in the boarding house. The major problem in their relationship was the family status of Polly. According to Doran, Polly's family status wasn't so good. Polly was an uneducated drunkard's daughter. Due to which Mr Doran rejected her to marry. He did not want to face social criticism. He wanted to ignore Polly for his social status. 

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