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I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King | Class 12 | Summary and Important Questions

The speech “I Have a Dream” had been delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on August 28, 1963. This speech was regarded as the most significant speech in the history of America. This speech was especially given for the sake of all the blacks of America. This speech was given at Lincoln’s Memorial hall. This speech was ranked as the top American speech of the twentieth century. To hear his speech, more than two lakh people were present in the Abraham Lincoln Memorial hall. 


“I Have A Dream’ is an unforgettable speech delivered (given) by Martin Luther King to millions of American blacks and whites on August 28, 1963. This speech represents the hopes and dreams of all American blacks who have been struggling for their rights and freedom. Though the American constitution and the Declaration of Independence have promised equal rights, justice and freedom to all the blacks and whites, this is not implemented in practice. In American Societies, there is still strong racial discrimination, injustice, hatred and other inequalities between whites and blacks. The Blacks are hated, neglected and tortured in practice. In American societies, there is still strong racial discrimination, injustice, hatred and other inequalities between whites and blacks. The Blacks are hated, neglected and tortured because of their black skin. They are deprived of their rights, freedom, equality and justice. They are treated to be slaves and are exiled in their own country. They live very poor and miserable life among the rich whites. Only the whites enjoy rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Luther king addresses the American Blacks and says that they should continue their struggle until they establish equality, peace and brotherhood in America. However, their struggle should be without violence. He says that they should fight for their rights without causing physical violence which may cause bitterness and hatred. They should follow the path and philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. If they keep on struggling in a disciplined way, they will achieve their aims. Luther king hopes that one day; the chains of hatred, racial discrimination, injustice and Inequalities will be broken. The new sun will rise with the rays of liberty, equality, peace and brotherhood.

Luther King urges that there should be an immediate change in the conception of whites. Racial and colour discrimination will weaken the foundation of America. Luther King says that his dream is the dream of America. His dream is the dream of freedom, justice and equality. The colour of the skin is not important. What is important in humanity? Therefore one day, all discrimination and inequality will disappear. All the blacks and whites will walk together joining hands as brother and sister. At last, not only blacks, all the American people will be free. There will be sweet music of liberty, justice and equality all over America.


The constitution of America was written 100 years ago. It gave promise to all the American people that there would not be any discrimination between the blacks and the whites. The blacks could also get equal rights, freedom and justice. But the condition of the blacks in America was so worse. They were poor and had miserable life. They were treated as slaves. They were exploited by the whites. They were deprived of liberty, equality and happiness. They spent their lives in the dark corner of the country. Seeing all that, Dr. Martin Luther King delivered this speech named…..I Have a Dream.


The main purpose of this speech was the condition of the blacks in America, which was seen by Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. Martin Luther King was not satisfied with the condition of the blacks of America. He went against the bad behaviour of white people. He wanted to uplift the life of black people. There was written about equal rights only in the constitution but not in practice. He gave a speech to root out the racial injustice and discrimination against blacks. He wanted to provide freedom and equality to all the blacks as promised in the constitution.


In this speech, Dr Martin Luther King suggested to all the black people of America that they should move forward to get equal rights as promised in the constitution. They must struggle against the whites to get liberty, equality, happiness and justice. According to him, every black should protest the exploitation and domination done by the white people. They must head ahead without any physical violence. They must not stop struggle until they get justice and rights. Without harming the whites they should struggle peacefully. Every black must follow the philosophy of non-violence.


The condition of blacks in America was so worse. Whatever promised in the constitution of America was not applied. American blacks were exploited and dominated in every sector in the name of apartheid (skin colour discrimination). They were deprived of freedom, justice as well as happiness. They were treated just as slaves as before. They didn’t get any opportunity of education, earning money, enjoying etc as the whites. Black children were not allowed to read in the school where whites' children used to read. They were neglected by the whites. Being American citizens, their fate remained under the dark cloud of America. They spent  their miserable life.


The real dream of Dr. Martin Luther King was about the bright future of America. He wanted to end the concept of apartheid. In many states of America, many black children were treated according to their skin colour. They were not allowed to study in schools where whites' children were studying. Black people were not allowed into buses, hotels, restaurants, etc which were used by white people. So Luther wanted freedom for all the black people from the segregation concept. His dream was about equal opportunity for all black people as whites. Even after the end of the slavery system, black people were treated as slaves. So he wanted freedom from slavery. His dream was a chair of brotherhood between black and white people. His dream was a day of equal opportunity for all the blacks of America. Every black would get a chance to enjoy the rights given by the constitution. They would get a good education, good jobs and make money as whites.

Important Questions and Answers:

1. What is the apparent (exact) purpose of the speech of Martin Luther King Jr.? Explain King’s analogy of the bad check (cheque).

Ans: The apparent purpose of King’s speech is to get the black people their rights of freedom, equality and justice avoiding racial injustice based on the color of skin. Although the constitution of America promises equal rights to its entire citizen, the black people have been deprived of enjoying the rights and get the victim of social segregation and discrimination. Therefore Martin Luther King Jr. Delivers this speech demanding justice for the black people. King makes an analogy (comparison) between promises of an American constitution and a bad check. Though the constitution of America promises equal right rights to the entire citizen irrespective of colour and creed, America has failed t pay her black citizen the rights promised in the constitution. They are given bad check i.e. false promises by architects of the American constitution. If there is an insufficient amount in the bank out, the cheque of the higher amount issued against this account is not enchased and returned unpaid such cheque is considered as a bad check. Similar way although the constitution of America guarantees equality for all, the black citizens are turned down from getting justice in America. Therefore, the king compares the promises made by the American constitution with a bad check.

2. Why was Martin Luther King’s speech so popular? Explain. (2071)

Answer: Martin Luther King’s speech was so popular because it was the most significant as well as number one speech of American history. This speech was given in Lincoln memory for the welfare of all the black people of America. This speech was mainly given to root out the injustice as well as the slavery system completely from America. This speech was about the improvement of all the black people of America. This speech was given to encourage the black people for their liberty, rights and justice.

3. What is Martin Luther King complaining about? (2063)

Answer: Martin Luther King is complaining about the false promises made by the constitution of America. The constitution of America promised various rights for black people but they weren't applied. The condition of black people is still the same. They are treated as slaves. They are deprived of using their right. They are exploited by the whites. So Martin Luther complains and demands equal rights and justice for all the blacks of America.

4.What is the real dream of Martin Luther King about the future of America? (Long 2065, 2067, 2068)

Answer: The real dream of Dr. Martin Luther King was about the bright future of America. He wanted to end the concept of apartheid. In many states of America, many black children were treated according to their skin colour. They were not allowed to study in schools where whites' children used to study. Black people were not allowed into buses, hotels, restaurants, etc which were used by white people. So Martin Luther wanted freedom for all the black people from the segregation concept. His dream was an equal opportunity for all black people as whites. Even after the end of the slavery system, black people were treated as slaves. So he wanted freedom from slavery. His dream was a chair of brotherhood between black and white people. His dream was a day of equal opportunity for all the blacks of America. Every black would get the chance to enjoy the rights given by the constitution. They would get a good education, good jobs and make money as whites.

5. Martin Luther King exposes a sad picture of the coloured people in America. What does this sad picture refer to and how does he want to over this sad picture? (2070) 


What does the sad picture of the society as exposed by Martin Luther King refer to? (2071)

Answer: Here in this essay Martin Luther King has presented the pitiable condition of all the black people of America. Even after the establishment of the constitution 100 years before, nothing is changed in the life of black people. Various promises are being made for the welfare of black people but nothing is regulated in practical behaviour. The sad picture of society refers to all the miserable blacks American who are compelled to live in the dark corners. They are deprived of their rights. There is no sense of equality and justice for them. Inspecting all these discriminations, Martin Luther King wants to go against the administration as well as the white people of America. He wants to move ahead along with all the black against whites in the name of struggle. He wants to launch a long last struggle till their demands are fulfilled. To root–out or overcome all of the discriminations, he wants to launch the non-violence philosophy. 

6. What is the historical significance of Martin Luther King’s speech? (2057 Long)

Answer: This speech “I Have a Dream” was delivered by Dr. Martin Luther King on August 28, 1963. This speech was regarded as the most significant speech in the history of America. This speech was especially given for the sake of all the blacks of America. This speech was given at Lincoln’s Memorial. This speech was ranked as the top speech American speech of the twentieth century.

The constitution of America was written 100 years ago. It promised to all the American people that there would not be any discrimination between the blacks and the whites. The blacks could also get equal rights, freedom and justice. But the condition of the blacks in America was so worse. They were poor and had miserable life. They were treated as a slave. They were exploited by the whites. They were deprived of liberty, equality and happiness. They had to spend their lives in the dark corner of the country. Seeing all that, Dr. Martin Luther King delivered this speech named….. I Have a Dream.

The main purpose of this speech was the condition of the blacks in America, which was seen by Dr. Martin Luther King. Dr. Martin Luther King was not satisfied with the condition of the blacks of America. He went against the bad behaviour of white people. He wanted to uplift the life of black people. There was written about equal rights only in the constitution but not in practice. He gave a speech to root out the racial injustice and discrimination against blacks. He wanted to provide freedom and equality to all the blacks as promised in the constitution.

7. What is the dream Martin Luther King has? How he is going to achieve it? (Long 2061, Short 2073)

Answer: Martin Luther King has the following dreams:

i) Equality: He wants to see equality between all the blacks and the white. The government of America should treat all the blacks equally as whites in every opportunity.

ii) Relationship of brotherhood: He has a dream that all the blacks and the whites would sit together in the chair of brotherhood. They will have a fine time and relationship with each other.

iii) End of apartheid: He has a dream that any children of any colour will not be judged by their skin colour.

iv) Right to vote: He has a dream that every individual will get equal right in case of voting for their representative as well as citizenship.

v) Right against injustice and oppression: He has a dream that any American state will be beyond injustice and oppression but will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

He is going to achieve it with the help of struggle. He suggests all the blacks of America to move ahead and struggle for their rights against the white as well as the government of America. He also suggests the blacks not harm the whites. Their struggle should go ahead peacefully with the help of non – violence philosophy.

8. To what extent does King’s authority lend power to his words? (2066)

Answer: As a political leader of America, king is not satisfied with the condition of all the blacks in America. King’s personal authority lends unlimited power to his words. Through this speech, King reminds all the blacks about their unity and great role in history. His words touch the hearts of thousands of blacks. His personal authority drives all people to struggle for the bright future of all the blacks.

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