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A Child is Born by Germaine Greer | Class 12 | Summary and Important Questions

The essay "A Child is Born" has been written by an American writer Germaine Greer. This essay is very controversial. The writer of this essay is one-sided. Here in this essay, the writer has shown many differences between a traditional and modern society in the matters of pregnancy, childbirth and child-rearing. The writer has compared the role of children in eastern traditional, agricultural society with that of children in western, industrialist society.

The main theme of this essay is that in traditional societies there are many good ways of helping women in the time of childbirth. The modern methods of helping pregnant women are not necessarily better than traditional methods. The writer presents the differences between traditional and modern society in the matter of pregnancy, childbirth and childbearing. 


The writer shows many differences between a traditional and modern society in matters of pregnancy, childbirth and childbearing. The traditional society is full of different customs, tradition~ rituals and superstition. A pregnant woman has to follow all such rites. She doesn’t get proper respect at home and society unless she gives birth to a child. Because of the customs, traditions and the culture of the traditional society, pregnant women are loved, cared and supported by her husbands, members of her family and all the relatives. Because of this, she doesn’t worry much about the possible pain and danger in childbirth.

The traditional behaviours are responsible to increase her sense of security. However, in modern western societies, a pregnant woman has not cared like this. Since the people in modern western society don’t believe much on different rites, traditions and superstitions, the pregnant woman is not attended by her husband and relatives. She is not free from the mental burden. She is always worried about the possible danger and pain of the childbirth. She has to practice pregnancy exercises and make other preparations herself. She frequently visits doctors for advice and to get her pregnancy checked up. Her pregnancy is not given much importance by her family, relatives and society.

In traditional eastern societies, the infant and mother mortality rate is higher because of the lack of modern methods and equipment. The traditional childbirths are conducted among various superstitions, customs, rites, rituals and traditions. Pregnant women don’t visit hospitals to check up. Because of this, a large number of women and their infants die untimely in traditional society. In modern western society, however, the infant and mother mortality rate are very low. The pregnant women shouldn’t carry on various customs, traditions and superstitions. They frequently visit doctors and follow their suggestions. They practice many modern methods and equipment for the childbirth. If the life of the mother or the infant is in danger, the doctors conduct operations to save them. Thus, women in modern society give birth very easily and safely among modern methods and facilities.

After the childbirth, the women in traditional Eastern society are respected and praised much for their courage. Many people attend her with gifts to see the child and to congratulate the mother. People organize parties to celebrate the birth ceremony. There is feasting, singing and dancing. The mother is given permission to go to her mother’s house for a few months. The whole family helps her to rear the child. However, there is no such system in modern western society. In such a society, there is no one t home to welcome the child and to praise the courage of the mother.

Important Questions and Answer

1. Why infant and mother mortality rate is higher in traditional society?

Answer: The infant and mother mortality rate higher in traditional society because of carelessness in using medicines. They are not using new drugs and modern way of treatment. The people of traditional society have blind faith. The female who is in her pregnancy periods does not do much care of herself. Such female does not get hospital treatment. Carelessness may cause the infant weak as well as lay in the wrong position in the womb. 

2. How woman loses her identity in traditional society?

Answer: Woman loses her identity in traditional society in the following manners:

> When the girl is unmarried, she is the daughter of someone. (Ram’s daughter)

> After marriage, she is the wife of someone and her husband’s surname is given to her. (Shayam’s wife)

> After the birth of a child, she is called by the name of her child. (Rahul’s mother)

Thus, she loses her name and identity.

3. What kind of treatment does a woman in Bangladesh receive during her pregnancy and after childhood? (2063 Short)

Answer: In the case of a Bangladeshi woman, during her pregnancy periods, she goes to her parent’s house for the last few months to deliver the baby and about the first three months of the baby’s life. She gets a lot of love and care from her parents and relatives. She is looked after by her parents all the time. The whole matter of pregnancy is a kind of celebration. The birth of a child is an occasion of joy for the whole family. The naming ceremony is so well celebrated. Mother and infant get new dresses. There is feasting and singing until late at night. Everyone sings and dances. The mother and child get blessings from the seniors family members. The woman is warmly welcomed after having a child.  

4. What differences does the writer show between a traditional society and a modern society in the matter of childbearing? (2071, 2072 - Long, 2066 Partial - Short)


Sketch the differences of childbearing in (Eastern) traditional and modern western society?


Discuss the attitude of the east and the west on the issue of childbirth and rearing of children. (2070 Partial, Long)

Answer: During the time of childbearing in traditional society, the whole family members are happy. The mother is warmly welcomed. All the relatives including the husbands remain present during the process of childbearing. It decreases the pain and fear of the mother. Their presence gives a sense of security to her. In many eastern societies, a pregnant woman goes to her mother’s house. Childbirth is well-celebrated under the care of whole family members. But in western society, there will be no one to take care of and welcome her. A pregnant woman has to take care of herself with the guidance of a doctor and nurse. She is surrounded by doctors as well as modern medical machines. The health of mother and child is safer but the mother is emotionally weaker. The child is born to fulfil the needs of the parents only. People accept the death of a child or mother as common in the birthplace. They give less concern over the newly born baby. Childbirth is not an important occasion. The mother has to bear all the problems during childbirth and child-rearing.

5. What differences does the writer show between a traditional society and a modern society in the matter of pregnancy, childbirth and childbearing? (2065, 2060 Long)


The traditional society is full of different customs, tradition, rituals and superstitions. A pregnant woman has to follow all such rights. She doesn’t get proper respect at home and in society unless she gives birth to a child. Because of the customs, traditions and culture of the traditional society, the pregnant woman is loved, cared and supported by her husband, members of her family and all the relatives. Because of this, she doesn’t worry much about the possible pain and danger in childbirth. During the time of pregnancy, the woman is covered with taboos and prohibition. So, actively carries out all the rites and keeps the fear away. During the time of childbirth, the pregnant woman is surrounded by her relatives. The newly born babies are more likely to die. The birth mortality rate is higher than in the west. After the birth of a child, the mother loses her own identity. She is not called by her name but referred to as the child’s mother as Ram’s mother, Hari’s mother etc. A child is born not only because of the choice of the parents but also in response to broader pressure from the whole family members. During childbearing the whole family members are happy.  The mother will be warmly welcomed. In many societies, the woman can visit her mother. The children under six are looked after by the whole family.  The writer gives the example of Bangladeshi children. Those children who are below six are treated well. They get the pleasure of delicious food, entertainment, game etc. They can play out freely in nature. They are told fairy tales. They sleep with their mother in the evening. The birthday of a child is well celebrated.

In modern society, During the time of pregnancy, the woman is supposed to do everything herself. She is not cared well as in eastern society. Even in the hospital doctors and nurses make mistakes and they are not cooperative. If we talk about childbirth, we can find the pregnant woman surrounded by machines. There are a few rituals. The birth mortality rate is lower than in the east. A pregnant woman loses her control over herself. There is no necessity to call a child by mother’s name. A child is born because of the choice of the parents. Childbirth is not being managed very well in the west. During the time of childbearing, there will be no one to welcome woman.  The death of a mother or child during pregnancy is common for people. Family members have hardly concern over the newly born baby. For them, childbirth is not an important occasion. 

6. The essay ‘A Child is Born’ is often found controversial and one-sided. Do you agree? Give your reason for your agreement or disagreement. (2067 Long)

Answer: Yes, I agree with this statement. If we read this, we find that this essay is related to the writer’s opinion. It is a kind of one-sided essay in which we can see the monopoly of the writer. This essay is very controversial, as Conklin and Newport (2000) state; most people disagree with some ideas expressed by Germaine Greer in this essay. For example, she states that it is better for a woman to give birth traditionally, and die, than to use modern medicines techniques and live. She also suggests that modernizing childbirth undesirable because that will cause a particular explosion. There is a strong danger that this essay will encourage the continued use of unhealthy and dangerous practices.

If we closely observe the ideas given by Germaine Greer, we see many demerits even in a traditional way of pregnancy, childbirth and childbearing. She raises many things which unfavoured pregnant woman. Greer says that the identity of the female is lost; the mortality rate is higher in traditional society. There is no modern treatment for a pregnant woman. People do have blind faith. The pregnant woman does not do much care of herself etc. 

7. How the traditional behaviour makes the pregnant women forget their worry?

Answer: In traditional society, a pregnant woman does not have any mental burden. The reason behind it is that she gets a lot of care and support from her family members and relatives. She gets support from her community too. She is given mental relief to forget worries. She is given certain rules to follow during her pregnancy periods. All the relatives including the husbands remain present during the process of childbearing. It decreases the pain and fear of the mother. Their presence gives a sense of security to her. All these things develop the feeling of being safe in the pregnant woman.

8. Discuss in about 200 words the advantages of child-rearing in a traditional society. How is traditional child-rearing a beneficial practice for the child and young mother? (2059 Long)

Answer: After childbirth, the women in the traditional society are respected and praised much for their courage. Many people attend her with gifts to see the child and congratulate the mother. People organize parties to celebrate the birth ceremony. There is feasting, singing and dancing. The mother is permitted to go to her mother’s house for few months. The whole family helps her to rear the child. A child below six years of age is looked after by the whole family. The child below six sleep with his/her mother. He/she is told fairy tales at night. The family members fulfil his/her demand. They take their child to parties and various places of entertainment as swimming, dance classes, sports etc.  Traditional child-rearing is beneficial for the child and young mother for the following reasons:

> The relationship between child and mother develops well.

> Child and mother get love and care as well as respect.

> The child gets a chance to learn about his/her relatives, norms and values, culture, rituals of the family.

> The intimacy between child and kin is developed.

9. Position of Nepali Mother

Answer: In the context of Nepali society, the position of Nepali mother is so controversial. Nepali mother’s position is determined through the process of childbearing. If a Nepali mother has given birth to a child especially a son, her position in the family, as well as society, becomes so appreciable. She is warmly welcomed as well as respected by whole family members. In Nepali society, the son is given more priority than the daughter. A childless woman is hated by everyone. She is compared with an infertile land. She is considered to be a sign of a bad star. A barren woman is recognized as failure women in traditional Nepali society. Barrenness is a curse for females in Nepali society.  Conservative people call the sinner to such a woman. They accuse her of committing a great sin in her previous life. They neglect childless woman all the time. Such women get torture from their family members too. To have a better position especially for Nepali mother, one should bear the child mainly son. Mother is given a lot of love and care after having a son in the society of Nepal. Otherwise, it is quite difficult for the Nepali woman to survive in the conservative Nepali society.

10. Why does the writer bring in the examples of the east to discuss the problems of modern western society? (A Child is Born) (2073)

Answer: Here in this essay, the writer is in the favour of an eastern traditional society in the matter of pregnancy period, childbearing and rearing. She has pointed out various demerits of eastern traditional society though she favours this society. She is a writer from western society. She experiences various things in the eastern traditional society and makes the comparison in these issues. As a woman, she has experienced different problems in western society. A woman during the time of pregnancy feels quite alone in western society. She isn’t well treated by anyone there. But a woman in eastern traditional society is well cared as well as treated in eastern society. To focus on all the problems faced by the ladies of western society, the writer brings the various good aspects of the eastern society in the matter of pregnancy, childbearing and rearing.

11. Write in about 100 words about the values held by the traditional Nepali society in which a woman who cannot bear children is considered as a failure in her life and useless in the eyes of society. Give your views on the subject.

Answer: Nepal is a patriarchal country. In this male-dominated society, there is a concept that to develop the generation it is necessary to have a child. So the birth of a child is essential and fully celebrated. The woman who bears the child is highly respected in the family as well as in the community. After having married, Nepalese women are expected to have a child. According to the Hindu religion, only lucky and virtuous women can get a baby. Those women who are not able to bear a child are supposed to a witch or bad women. Barren women are recognized as failure women in the traditional Nepali society. Barrenness is a curse for females in Nepali society. Such types of women are not well treated by the family.

Actually, in Nepali traditional society, people do have blind faith in God as well as a ghost. The scientific reasons have no place among the people of traditional Nepali society. If women are unable to bear child, they are not taken carefully instead their lot and future are taken as responsible factors.

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