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Tricks for making New Year's resolutions

If you want to increase your odds of success this year, here are the tricks to help make your resolutions stick.

Think small

In many cases, you may notice that your areas of interest or improvement can be broad: be healthier, save money, make new friends, land a job or ace every class. All of these are great goals to have, but sometimes larger goals can feel daunting or difficult to achieve. Our advice: break them up into smaller, more manageable steps. 

For instance, if you’re looking to be more active this year, consider committing to one virtual fitness class each week, take the stairs instead of the elevator or go for a short walk each day. 

If you’re looking to make friends, consider joining a student organization or inviting a classmate or two to study with you or attend an event each week. Focus on small achievements that will help you get closer to your end goal while keeping you motivated. Remember, it’s the little things that tend to have the greatest impact. 

Focus on habits

Creating habits is one of the best ways to reduce “resolution fatigue” and keep you from falling off the wagon part way through the year. Even if we have fool-proof reasoning behind our goals, our motivation to follow through with those activities can begin to dwindle, especially after the initial excitement of the New Year wears off or as life becomes more hectic. Instead of relying on motivation alone, try to create habits that will keep you going even when the motivation begins to fade. Here are a few examples:

  • Working out: Choose and set out your gym outfit the night before or find a friend who will help keep you accountable.
  • Better sleep: Set an alarm to notify you an hour before bed to give yourself time to wind down and prepare for a restful night.
  • Relationships: Create a calendar reminder to call family, friends or people you care about on a regular basis.
  • Hobbies: Schedule time in your calendar or planner to spend time on your hobbies. Be specific about what you’re going to do and when.

Find opportunities for fun

Do you dread the idea of making New Year’s resolutions? Are you overwhelmed by the amount of changes you’re expected to make in a single year? Rather than focusing on all of the things you’d like to change this year, try to focus on things you’d like to do instead.

This may include trying out new hobbies, learning a new skill or getting outside more often. Think about activities you enjoy, have always wanted to do or things you are passionate about. Perhaps you’ve never visited the Denver Art Museum, explored Rocky Mountain National Park or you just want to give back through volunteering. Come up with 10-12 activities that you’d like to do this year that feel attainable and make a list. Keep in mind that COVID-19 will likely impact our lives into the New Year, so it’s important to choose activities that you can enjoy and complete in lieu of the pandemic. Each month, look back at your list and decide which activities you’re going to conquer. Not only will you be fulfilling your resolution, but you’ll actually enjoy doing it, too! 

Tricks for making New Year's resolutions

  • Think Small
  • Focus on Habit
  • Find Opportunity for Fun

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