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100 reasons to read

Why read a book? 

It is a common question who hates to read or who found bored on reading. But this question should be asked themselves who wants read or who spent time on read. Because reading should have something that you can gain. 

There are lots of reason to read. You should read because reading increases your vocabulary and your knowledge of how to correctly use new words, reading helps you clearly articulate what you want to say. The knowledge you gain from reading also gives you lots to talk about with others.

The 100 reasons to read are as follows: -

1. Teaches new things

2. Book travels you to the outside world.

3. Develops vocabulary.

4. Teaches what needs to be learned from others.

5. Makes the mind sharp.

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6. Gives comfort

7. Helps in improvement.

8. Gives a taste of different genre.

9. Proficient in spelling.

10. Makes you happy.

11. Makes the approach wider.

12. Helps to dream big.

13. Makes you think.

14. Helps to increase emotional intelligence.

15. Helps to learn about new people.

Shows what the probability is.

16. Removes sadness and depression.

17. Shows a new perspective.

18. Challenges point of view.

19. Improves writing.

20. Shows what the probability is.

21. Helps to stay focused.

22. Improves speaking style.

23. Get inspired.

24. Makes a good leader.

25. Gives new thinking and perception.

26. Warns to be careful.

27. Helps to learn new skills.

28. Reminds history.

29. Develops problem solving ability.

30. Makes fun.

31. Keeps away from unnecessary use of electrical devices.

32. Increases reading speed.

33. Teaches interesting facts.

34. Saves costs.

35. Teaches to appreciate something new.

Teaches interesting facts.

36. Discover new places.

37. Travel to the world of many books.

38. Encourages old ideas.

39. Visits in the past.

40. Visits in the future.

41. Travels to the new world.

42. Increases concentration.

43. Develops personality.

44. Develops empathy.

45. Helps to do something.

Provides travel assistance.

46. Inspires the mind.

47. Helps in studies.

48. Provides travel assistance.

49. Reduces stress.

50. Makes a few moments away from the real world.

51. Helps to know many options.

52. Keeps mind busy.

53. Ties with time.

54. Helps to speak better.

55. Helps to analyze.

Teaches something new.

56. Increases positive thinking that you deserve it.

57. Teaches something new.

58. Suitable for all ages.

59. Easy to carry.

60. Helps before going to bed at night.

61. Becomes a source of inspiration.

62. Brings clarity to thinking.

63. Helps in grammar.

64. Increases confidence.

65. Inspires to start something new.

Brings clarity to thinking.

66. Makes the day brighter.

67. Shows more than a movie.

68. Teaches history.

69. Gives something to consider.

70. Makes a surprise.

71. Identifies other cultures.

72. Makes you busy

73. Builds self-esteem.

74. Entertains.

75. Activates the mind.

Makes you feel good.

76. Helps in personality development.

77. Provides assistance in communication.

78. Anything that makes you feel emotional.

79. Gives something to debate.

80. Makes you feel good.

81. Helps to meet new people.

82. Enhances language style.

83. Make enables.

84. Increases thinking.

85. Helps to make stories.

Teaches how the world looks.

86. Teaches how the world looks.

87. Makes imaginative.

88. Increases curiosity.

89. Increases comprehension.

90. Teaches other languages.

91. Helps to walks in own pace.

92. Gives challenges.

93. Makes productive.

94. Helps to tell the story well.

95. Gives something to talk about.

Because, you can read. 

96. You can read aloud.

97. You can also read with friends.

98. You can read by yourself.

99. There are many books to read.

100. Because, you can read. 

Images: Unsplash.com 

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